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- "adjourn"
- "to end"
- "The meeting will adjourn at"
- "8 o'clock."
- ""
- "If Joan has to be back by 6:00, the"
- "meeting had better _______ at 5:30."
- ""
- "benefit"
- "to help"
- "Eating the right foods will benefit"
- "your body."
- ""
- "All the proceeds from the bazaar will"
- "go to _______ the charity."
- ""
- "clarify"
- "to explain"
- "* tried to clarify the"
- "answer so we could understand it."
- ""
- "I will do everything I can to "
- "_______ my stand on this issue."
- ""
- "combat"
- "to fight"
- "The police must combat crime in the"
- "cities."
- ""
- "Batman and Robin work for justice;"
- "they ______ the work of hoodlums."
- ""
- "confide"
- "to tell as a secret"
- "Girls always confide in their best"
- "friends."
- ""
- "By telling you something very"
- "personal, I will _______ in you."
- ""
- "dally"
- "to wait around"
- "Come straight home from school; do"
- "not dally on the way."
- ""
- "Jack likes to _____ at the park on"
- "the way home from school. "
- ""
- "deserve"
- "to be worthy of"
- "You deserve a treat for studying so"
- "hard."
- ""
- "You _______ to be president of our"
- "club because you have worked so"
- "diligently for the past two years."
- "document"
- "to furnish written proof"
- "You will have to document where you"
- "were when the crime took place."
- ""
- "The certificate will ________ the"
- "date of your birth."
- ""
- "embrace"
- "to hug"
- "When I get home I will run in and"
- "embrace my new puppy."
- ""
- "I will _______ my grandmother when"
- "she comes to see me today."
- ""
- "endorse"
- "to approve"
- "John will endorse his best friend"
- "for president."
- ""
- "The fans did not _______ the player"
- "for the all-star team this year."
- ""
- "err"
- "to make a mistake"
- "Don't worry about your mistake; to"
- "err is human."
- ""
- "No one is perfect; we all ___ at"
- "some point."
- ""
- "exclude"
- "to leave out"
- "It would not be nice to exclude only"
- "one classmate from your party."
- ""
- "Let's invite all the neighbors; don't"
- "_______ anyone."
- ""
- "hoist"
- "to lift"
- "The workers will hoist the bricks"
- "to the top of the new building."
- ""
- "Marty is too heavy; we can't _____"
- "him up in the tree."
- ""
- "hurl"
- "to throw forcefully"
- "* likes to watch the "
- "pitcher hurl the ball over home "
- "plate."
- "Billy has a rock in his hand;"
- "I hope he does not ____ it."
- ""
- "insert"
- "to put in"
- "John can insert a news item in the"
- "school paper."
- ""
- "Please ______ that letter in the"
- "slot for me."
- ""
- "migrate"
- "to move to another place"
- "Whales migrate from the Bering Sea"
- "to Baja California."
- ""
- "The Gold Rush caused thousands to "
- "_______ to California."
- ""
- "persuade"
- "to win over"
- "Let's persuade the teacher not to"
- "give us any homework."
- ""
- "I can always ________ my mother to"
- "drive me to the library."
- ""
- "quibble"
- "to argue pointlessly"
- "The children always quibble over"
- "who can eat the most popcorn."
- ""
- "Jim and Jon always _______ over"
- "which television show to watch."
- ""
- "rectify"
- "to correct"
- "It will be necessary to rectify your"
- "error."
- ""
- "My teacher always makes me _______"
- "the errors on my test."
- ""
- "resume"
- "to continue"
- "* will resume studying "
- "for the test."
- ""
- "After the strike, the workers were"
- "able to ______ their jobs."
- ""
- "shatter"
- "to break into pieces"
- "The window will shatter if it is"
- "hit too hard."
- ""
- "The hail was the size of golf balls"
- "and we worried that it would _______"
- "our windshield."
- "tamper"
- "to meddle improperly"
- "The teenager did not want his"
- "younger brother to tamper with his"
- "car."
- "Do not ______ with the inner "
- "mechanism of the clock."
- ""
- "tolerate"
- "to put up with"
- "My mother will not tolerate much"
- "noise."
- ""
- "The teacher did not ________ any"
- "funny business; she threw Kenny out"
- "of the class."
- "vary"
- "to change"
- "Your test scores will vary from test"
- "to test."
- ""
- "The starting time will not remain"
- "constant; it will ____ from week"
- "to week."
- "wither"
- "to dry up; to shrivel"
- "The plants will wither in the"
- "hot sun."
- ""
- "The crops are starting to ______"
- "because there has been so little"
- "rain."
- e plants will wither in the"
- "hot sun."
- ""
- "The crops are starting to ______"
- "because there has been so little"